People | Sponsors

Current funding programs
- ANR Tocydys (PI, coordination by Stéphane Guizard)
- Attomag CEA progam with Spintec (B. Dieny et al.)
- ANR DECAP (Coordinated by Charles Bourassin-Bouchet)
Participation in :
- Attolab equipex (Coordinator of the 10 kHz beamline)
- ANR Xstase (Young researcher program -> 2018)
- FUI Star (Presented on the photoniques site)
- CEA-Slovenian projects, with University of Nova Gorica (Coordinated by Giovanni de Ninno)
- Medea Marie Slodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks. coordinated by Giuseppe Sansone.
- Pulse X, Sesame project from the Ile de France region, coordinated by Danielle Dowek
- IMAPS from Paris Saclay PALM Labex, coordinated by Antonin Borot