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UMR 3680 - Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics (SPEC)

Projet européen Magenta : thermoélectricité avec des ferrofluides
Sawako Nakamae
Thermoélectricité et ferrofluides
29-06-2021 -
Minimento COSMICS European project
Vidéo de présentation du projet européen COSMICS.
13-01-2021 -
Projet européen 3eFERRO
3&epsilon:FERRO: Everything you wanted to know on new ferroelectric hafnia for fast, low energy data storage
11-02-2021 -
Transfer of aligned CNTs onto a solid surface
Film : J.J. Benattar CEA
Transfer of aligned carbon nanotubes by contact between the surfactant bubble, drained of its water, and an hydrophobic solid substrate
31-08-2010 -

UMR 3685 NIMBE: Nanoscience and Innovation for Materials, Biomedecine and Energy

Introduction to the SWAXS Lab
H2020 European project nPSIZE: an introduction to the SWAXS Lab and to SAXS experiments by Olivier Taché.
29-06-2021 -
Visit of the SWAXS Lab
Olivier Taché
H2020 European project nPSIZE: Visit of the SWAXS Lab - video n°1
29-06-2021 -
La corrosion en milieu complexe : modèles pour la prédiction du comportement en site de stockage profond
Fait marquant du NIMBE/LAPA présenté par Delphine Neff
26-01-2021 -
Tutorial: sample preparation for SAXS measurements
H2020 European project nPSIZE: SAXS tutorial for students - Sample preparation
20-08-2021 -
SWAXS @ PTB by Christian Gollwitzer
H2020 European project nPSIZE: Christian Gollwitzer - SWAXS @ Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) - X-ray Radiometry Working Group 7.21
20-08-2021 -


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