MEDEA Summer school “Ultrafast dynamics with intense radiation sources” - Crete - 18th to 21st October 2016  

The school will provide an overview on the generation of intense laser sources extending from the infrared to the extreme ultraviolet and X-ray spectral range. State-of-the-art applications of such sources to the time-resolved investigation of electronic and nuclear dynamics in atoms and molecules will be introduced and discussed by leading experts of the field.

The school is free of charge and applications from young fellows (Ph.D. Students and Post. Docs) from neighbouring scientific fields are strongly encouraged.

Register online at the following link:
The deadline for registration is the 16th September 2016.

Financial support:
Financial support will be provided by Laserlab-Europe to selected students. The support will be in the form of free accommodation (full-board accommodation) for the entire duration of the school at the Saint Nicolas bay resort hotel – Agios Nikolaos, Crete. Travel expenses will not be covered.
Applications (including a CV and a short motivation letter) should be sent to:


Two poster sessions are planned during the meeting. The participant are encouraged to present a poster about their current research activity.

Summer school flyer:


More information:

S. Jubera, 2016-07-11 00:00:00

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