The Laboratory Interactions, Dynamics and Lasers - LIDYL - is a research laboratory associated with the CEA and the CNRS within the Paris-Saclay University.

The research program carried out at LIDYL aims at understanding the fundamental processes involved in light-matter interactions and their applications. The researchers develop and use laser-based light and particle sources to investigate a variety of phenomena and systems ranging from attosecond electron dynamics in the simplest atomic and molecular species to relativistic laser-induced plasmas, going through ultrafast spin dynamics in solids and the development of innovative candidates for new radiation therapies.
Review of chemical models and applications in Geant4-DNA: Report from the ESA BioRad III Project
Tran HN, Archer J, Baldacchino G, Brown JMC, Chappuis F, Cirrone GAP, Desorgher L, Dominguez N, Fattori S, Guatelli S, Ivantchenko V, Méndez J-R, Nieminen P, Perrot Y, Sakata D, Santin G, Shin W-G, Villagrasa C, Zein S & Incerti S. - Med. Phys. 2024

Condensed Matter Systems Exposed to Radiation: Multiscale Theory, Simulations, and Experiment
Solov’yov AV, Verkhovtsev AV, Mason NJ, Amos RA, Bald I, Baldacchino G, & al. - Chem. Rev. 2024

Light-Matter Interaction near the Schwinger Limit Using Tightly Focused Doppler-Boosted Lasers
Zaïm N, Sainte-Marie A, Fedeli L, Bartoli P, Huebl A, Leblanc A, Vay J-L & Vincenti H. - Phys. Rev. Lett. 2024
Oct 07, 2023
Anne L’Huillier est une physicienne franco-suédoise pionnière de la physique ultrarapide à l’échelle de l’attoseconde (le milliardième de milliardième de seconde).
Aug 18, 2022
En utilisant les impulsions lumineuses ultracourtes du laser à électrons libres FERMI à Trieste (Italie), une large collaboration de physiciens à laquelle participe une équipe du LIDYL, a pu étudier pour la première fois dans le domaine de l'ultraviolet extrême (UVX), l’interaction cohérente entre atomes et photons, phénomène quantique prédit théoriquement par Rabi, dès 1937.

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