19/09 : 7th International Workshop on Electrochemistry and Radiation Chemistry in Aqueous Nuclear Systems  
Vendredi 19/09/2008
Friday September 19th: Workshop Program The first workshop on LWR coolant radiolysis and electrochemistry was held in 1998 to discuss the fundamental basis of water radiolysis and electrochemistry and their application to LWR fields. Following the successful workshops that have been held in conjunction with the 2008 International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems, the 7th workshop will cover any aspect of aqueous electrochemistry or radiation chemistry relevant to any part of the nuclear cycle. Topics covered would include: 1. Radiation chemistry/Electrochemistry in operating nuclear reactor systems. 2. Radiation chemistry/ Electrochemistry relevant to waste storage. 3. Radiation chemistry/Electrochemistry in new reactor plant designs. 1st announcement, registration.
G. Baldacchino, dépêche du 29/07/2008


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