Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons

User Access Programme


To perform an experiment, the researcher must submit a proposal on a special form where he specifies his scientific interest and describes the proposed experiment.

Deadlines for submission are : 1st April and 1st October of each year.

The proposals are examined and selected by a peer review international Selection Panel composed of experts (in the majority external to LLB) which meets every 6 months. It is divided into 5 subpanels :

  1. Chemical physics, biological systems
  2. Crystallographic and magnetic structures
  3. Magnetism: Single-crystal systems and thin layers
  4. Disordered Systems, nanostructured materials and materials
  5. Excitations

Experiments to be performed will be selected on the basis of scientific merit. However, some additional criteria might be taken into account :

Among the selected experiments, those to be taken in charge by NMI3 will be chosen on the following criteria :

When projects, recommended by the peer review international Selection Panel to be taken in charge by the Access Programme, have been approved by the E.U. Commission :

After the experiment, the user team must send a written experimental report, and reprints of the related publication(s). The experimental reports and list of publications are published in the LLB scientific activity report.

The NMI3 guidelines of the European Commission foresee that EU supported users should provide a short experimental report, where the objectives and also the achievements/difficulties of the performed experiment are summarized. After the experiment, funded users are required to complete a questionnaire directly on the EU data base.

In the LLB, the users obtain the necessary scientific support to prepare, perform and interpret their experiments. The involvement of the local contact depends on a preliminary informal agreement with the users to decide whether there will be a formal collaboration and common publication, or basic instrumental and data analysis support only.

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