
Oscillator of LUCA facility

The femtosecond laser facilities of the DRECAM offer to the national and european researchers, ultra short pulse duration and high intensity laser lines instrumented by numerous diagnostics. These laser beams allow studies on high intensity laser matter interactions as well as two colours experiments. This laser platform provides power peaks until 10TW, intensities of 1019W/cm2 and pulse durations about 35fs. What makes the originality of these facilities is the number of experimental lines available (4) and the tunability (from IR to XUV) which allow simultaneous pump-probe experiments with two photons. This is supplemented by an important scientific and technical support team.  
#415 - Màj : 25/03/2005
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Il s’agit ici d’aborder une question cruciale pour les systèmes  biologiques, à savoir celle du lien entre structure (conformation, environnement), et dynamique (réactivité, relaxation). Cette thématique est en prise directe avec les propriétés des protéines, vis-à-vis du devenir de l’excitation électronique consécutive à l’absorption d’un photon dans le proche UV.
Faits marquants scientifiques
25 septembre 2008
 Highlight in (2008 September, 19th) Researchers from Italy, France and Germany have shown that a tabletop laser can be used to accelerate a beam of electrons suitable for use in radiotherapy. The group, led by Antonio Giulietti of the Institute for Physical Chemistry Processes in Pisa, believes that such laser-based particle acceleration could considerably reduce the size and simplify the operation of radiotherapy facilities.


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