Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons

Quasi-2D quantum magnets comprised of strong hydrogen bonds and pyrazine ligands.
Jamie Manson
Eastern Washington University
Tue, Mar. 18th 2008, 14:30
LLB - Bât 563 p15 (Grande Salle), CEA-Saclay
We are employing bifluoride, HF2-, as a synthon in the self-assembly of magnetic coordination polymers of various dimensionalities, d, where d can be controlled using appropriate ancillary organic ligands. Two classes of materials have been produced which consist of quasi-2D networks held together via very strong hydrogen bonds. These new systems demonstrate interesting magnetic properties ranging from long-range antiferromagnetic ordering to weak ferromagnetism. Similar to cyanide, azide, and other small ligands, our work suggests that M-F···H···F-M and M-F···H-O-M bridges can be exploited in analogous fashion to produce a wealth of new magnetic coordination polymers. Highlights of this work will be presented.


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