Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons

Synthesis, Magnetic Structure, and Properties of a Layered Cobalt-Hydroxide Ferromagnet, Co-5(OH)6(SeO4)2(H2O)4  

imgSynthesis, Magnetic Structure, and Properties of a Layered Cobalt-Hydroxide Ferromagnet, Co-5(OH)6(SeO4)2(H2O)4
Maalej Wassim, Vilminot Serge, Andre Gilles, Kurmoo Mohamedally, Inorg. Chem., 49 (6) (2010) 3019

The synthesis and nuclear and magnetic structures from the powder diffraction of Co-5(II)(OH)6(SeO4)2(H2O)4 and its deuterated analogues as well as their infrared spectral, thermal, and magnetic properties are reported....

A. Menelle, 2010-08-26 00:00:00


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