Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons

Projects and fundings

National Fundings


ANR attowave (2009 -2013)













 Coordinated by Pascal Salières



Partners :


Paris Sud University - Molecular Science Institute of Orsay


Projects and  fundings

Bordeaux University (Eric Constant, Eric Mével, Baptiste Fabre, Yann Mairesse et al.)

Projects and  fundings

LCPMR - Paris University (Alfred Maquet, Richard Taieb, Jeremie Caillat et al.)

ANR Image Femto (2008-200?)








 Coordinated by Christian Cornaggia


Projects and  fundings

Orsay University (Paris XI)

Partners :




Project "High Rep Image" 2011-2014








Coordinated by Christian Cornaggia


Partners :


Paris Sud University - Molecular Science Institute of Orsay



Atto-optic project (Representant : Pascal Salières)


Projects and  fundings

Institut d’Optique-graduate school (Franck Delmotte, Paris XI University -Orsay)







Dynelec project  (Representant : Bertrand Carré)


Projects and  fundings

Danielle Dowek, Paris XI University -Orsay







European Fundings

Projects and  fundings

New and Emerging Science and Technology project TUIXS (Table Top Ultra Intense X-ray Sources for Femtobiology and related applications)





Joint Research Activity FOSCIL (Frontiers of optical science: Controlling intense light) of the I3 Laserlab-Europe

#1130 - Last update : 05/27 2013


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