Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons


Our group usually hires one or two Graduate Students per year. We also have opportunities to conduct research for a master thesis or within internship programs. If you would like to apply for a position in our group, please send your resume/transcript to Bertrand Carré and/or to the project leader of the research line you are mostly interested in: Christian Cornaggia, Hamed Merdji or Pascal Salières.
Currently the following master thesis projects are available. They may lead to PhD programs upon successful application to either internal CEA, national or European grants. Please contact us for more details. Internship are paid.


Stage/Phd program/internship supervised by Thierry Ruchon :
Génération d'impulsions attosecondes par des champs laser mis en forme à l'échelle du cycle optique

Stage/Phd program/internship supervised by Pascal Salières :
Imagerie ultra-rapide de dynamiques moléculaires par génération d’impulsions attosecondes


Phd program/internship program supervised by Christian Cornaggia :
Femtosecond electronic diffraction induced by a few optical cycle laser pulse

Phd program/internship program supervised by Hamed Merdji :
Ultrafast imaging at the nanometric scale using XUV coherent diffraction

Phd program/internship program supervised by Pascal Salières :
Ultrafast imaging of molecular dynamics using attosecond pulse generation

Post doc position available for a non french on the attosecond program


#1127 - Last update : 06/11 2013


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