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Sujet de stage / Master 2 Internship

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Dispositifs de mesure pour la qualité de l’air

Contact: MUGHERLI Laurent, , laurent.mugherli@cea.fr, +33 1 69 08 94 27
To detect pollutants in the air, we are developing compact, high-performance, lightweight measuring devices. These devices probe the chemical reactivity of gaseous pollutants using colored microbeads [see: Mugherli et al, Lab-on-a-Chip 2020; Guittet et al, Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology 2023].
Possibility of continuation in PhD: Oui
Deadline for application:31/05/2024

Full description:
Context :
To detect pollutants in the air, we are developing compact, high-performance, lightweight measuring devices. These devices probe the chemical reactivity of gaseous pollutants using colored microbeads [Mugherli et al., Lab-on-a-Chip 2020; Guittet et al., Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology 2023].

Main objective:
This project aims to fabricate measurement devices and validate them, in conjunction with a post-doctoral researcher.

Main tasks:
Three main actions will be carried out:
(i) Manufacture materials
(ii) Manufacture measurement devices incorporating these materials.
(iii) Evaluate these devices in the presence of pollutants, notably on a bench.
Technics/methods used during the internship:
R&D skills: Chemistry, 3D Printing, Optics, Spectroscopy Professional skills: Autonomy, Efficiency, Creativity, Communication, Writing Interests: Environment, Air quality

Tutor of the internship


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