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Neutron Imaging in Energy Research
Nikolay Kardjilov
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Wed, Jan. 20th 2021, 14:00-16:01

We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming webinar of the series organized by the Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) on the research, development and new trends in renewable energy including important contributions from neutron techniques all over the world.

The BNC webinars are given biweekly by local and international experts in English on Wednesday afternoons. The next presentation will be given on:

20 January, 2021   14:00-14:45 + discussion (CEST)  by

Nikolay Kardjilov (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin) with the title:

               "Neutron Imaging in Energy Research"


Zoom video link (open from 13:30):



Zoom meeting ID: 893 5723 0887              Password: 565497

Details on the seminar series are available in the 'News'

section of the BNC home page at https://www.bnc.hu/home

Please join the presentation then the discussions following the webinar. The webinar videos are recorded and can be played back at www.bnc.hu.

Contact : Alain MENELLE



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