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Call for Proposals - Circular Economy  



For the development of materials for the Circular Economy : opening of the 2nd Call for TransNational Access (TNA) proposals 2023.

The ReMade-TNA funding support is an opportunity for scientists conducting circular economy research to benefit from a wide range of services including facility access, travel and accommodation support, and much more. As a hub dedicated to developing new materials for a circular economy, ReMade@ARI provides scientists exploring the properties and structures of recyclable materials with coordinated access to more than 50 European analytical research infrastructures.

Users can submit proposals for access to these infrastructures as follows:

ReMade - TNA

Access for academic researchers and industry
Deadline for submissions: 11 October 2023.
Proposal submission via the ARIA Portal - Catalogue of the state-of-the art analytical offer.

ReMade - Pre-Proposal

To benefit from our support to develop preliminary research idea(s) into a full proposal?
Deadline for pre-proposal submissions: 22 September 2023.
Proposal submission via the ARIA Portal.

For more information, please visit:

For any question, please contact: info@remade-project.eu .

The ReMade@ARI Team.

A. Menelle, 2023-09-05 10:23:00


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