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Univ. Paris-Saclay
PaNOSC presentation video of DOI for data  


PaNOSC (Photon and neutrons Open Science Cloud) is glad to announce that the video "The DOI for data" has just been released and can be watched on the PaNOSC youtube channel, as well as from the news post on the PaNOSC website.

This is the result of the joint effort of Photon and Neutron facilities partners in the H2020 projects PaNOSC, FILL2030 and ExPaNDS, and members of the LEAPS and LENS initiatives. Feel free to download the video in .mp4 format and eventually publish it in the website of your institution and related projects. We also published a promotional tweet, which you can share from your social media channels.

A. Menelle, dépêche du 29/08/2020


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