SLIC is a laser platform of  Lidyl
The specificity of the group is the use of high-performing time-resolved spectroscopy. DNA and its constituents are fragile systems so particular care is taken with regards to excitation energy and sample handling. Time-resolved fluorescence (fluorescence decays, fluorescence anisotropy decays and time-resolved fluorescence spectra) can be recorded from 100 fs to 100 ns using a combination of two detection techniques; fluorescence upconversion and time-correlated single photon counting.
Les serveurs laser femtoseconde du SLIC (Saclay Laser matter Interaction Center) offrent aux chercheurs nationaux et européens des lignes de faisceaux lasers à impulsions intenses et ultra courtes pour étudier l’interaction laser matière en champs fort ou analyser la cinétique de processus ultra-rapides en chimie, physique du solide ou biologie.


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