Disordered System and Biology - GSDB
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Scientific thematics :

  • Dynamic and structural properties in confined geometry
  • Dynamic and mecanism of protein folding

(spectrometers 7C2, Paxe, Mibemol, Muses)

#1604 - Màj : 01/09/2015
Faits marquants scientifiques
22 septembre 2019
Daniela Russo, Maya Dimova Lambreva, Christiane Alba Simionesco, Pierre Sebban,and Giuseppina Rea Studies on the dynamical properties of photosynthetic membranes of land plants and purple bacteria have been previously performed by neutron spectroscopy, revealing a tight coupling between specific photochemical reactions and macromolecular dynamics.
27 août 2019
D. Russo, A. De Angelis, A. Paciaroni, B. Frick, N. de Sousa, F. R. Wurm, and J. Teixeira We investigate the relaxation dynamics of protein−polymer conjugates by neutron scattering spectroscopy to understand to which extent the coating of a protein by a polymer can replace water in promoting thermal structural fluctuations.
04 mai 2019
B. Annighöfer , A. Hélary, A. Brulet, A. Colas de la Noue, C. Loupiac and S. Combet Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (2019) 025106 Abstract : We report on a high pressure (HP) cell designed for the determination of the structure of molecular solutions by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). The HP cell is fitted up with two thick metallic windows that make the device very resistant under hydrostatic pressures up to 600 MPa (or 6 kbar).
01 avril 2019
Andrés Marcoleta, Frank Wien, Véronique Arluison, Rosalba Lagos, Rafael Giraldo Bacterial Amyloids (2019) Amyloids are supramolecular protein assemblies based on fibrillar arrangements of β‐sheets that were first found as linked to neurodegenerative and systemic human diseases. However, there is now overwhelming evidence on alternative roles of amyloids as functional assemblies and as epigenetic determinants of beneficial traits, both in Fungi and Metazoa.
03 janvier 2019
Sophie Combet, Fabrice Cousin, Human Rezaei, Sylvie Noinville Soluble oligomers of prion proteins (PrP), produced during amyloid aggregation, have emerged as the primary neurotoxic species, instead of the fibrillar end-products, in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. However, whether the membrane is among their direct targets, that mediate the downstream adverse effects, remains a question of debate.
15 octobre 2018
Raphael Dos Santos Morais, Olivier Delalande, Javier Perez, Dominique Mias-Lucquin, Melanie Lagarrigue, Anne Martel, Anne-Elisabeth Molza, Angelique Cheron, Celine Raguenes-Nicol, Thomas Chenuel, Arnaud Bondon, Marie-Sousai Appavou, Elisabeth Le Rumeur, Sophie Combet, and Jean-Francois Hubert Scaffolding proteins play important roles in supporting the plasma membrane (sarcolemma) of muscle cells.
09 août 2018
Maelenn Chevreuil, Didier Law-Hine, Jingzhi Chen, Stéphane Bressanelli, Sophie Combet, Doru Constantin, Jéril Degrouard, Johannes Möller, Mehdi Zeghal and Guillaume Tresset The survival of viruses partly relies on their ability to self-assemble inside host cells. Although coarse-grained simulations have identified different pathways leading to assembled virions from their components, experimental evidence is severely lacking.
20 juin 2018
Unravelling a mechanism of action for a cecropin a‑melittin hybrid antimicrobial peptide: the induced formation of multilamellar lipid stacks T. Silva, B. Claro, B. F. B. Silva, N. Vale, P. Gomes, M.-S. Gomes, S. S. Funari, J. Teixeira, D. Uhríková, and M. Bastos, Langmuir, 2018, 34 (5), pp 2158–2170. An understanding of the mechanism of action of antimicrobial peptides is fundamental to the development of new and more active antibiotics.
26 octobre 2017
Raphael Dos Santos Morais, Olivier Delalande, Javier Pérez, Liza Mouret, Arnaud Bondon, Anne Martel, Marie-Sousai Appavou, Elisabeth Le Rumeur, Jean-François Hubert, and Sophie Combet Obtaining structural information on integral or peripheral membrane proteins is currently arduous due to the difficulty of their solubilization, purification, and crystallization (for X-ray crystallography (XRC) application).
06 septembre 2017
Stehane Longeville et Laura-Roxana Stingaciu Translational diffusion of macromolecules in cell is generally assumed to be anomalous due high macromolecular crowding of the milieu. Red blood cells are a special case of cells filled quasi exclusively (95% of the dry weight of the cell) with an almost spherical protein: hemoglobin. Hemoglobin diffusion has since a long time been recognized as facilitating the rate of oxygen diffusion through a solution.
Publications HAL
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Influence of macromolecular crowding on protein stability.
Coupling of laser excitation and inelastic neutron scattering measurement.
Neutrons and water structure: the heavy water bridge.
Brevet :  Procédé d\'extraction de tensioactif d\'un matériau nanoporeux
Hemoglobin diffusion and the dynamics of oxygen capture by red blood cells
Contrast-Matched Isotropic Bicelles: A Versatile Tool to Specifically Probe the Solution Structure of Peripheral Membrane Proteins Using SANS
Unravelling a mechanism of action for a cecropin a‑melittin hybrid antimicrobial peptide: the induced formation of multilamellar lipid stacks
Nonequilibrium self-assembly dynamics of icosahedral viral capsids packaging genome or polyelectrolyte
Membrane interaction of off-pathway prion oligomers and lipid-induced onpathway intermediates during prion conversion: A clue for neurotoxicity
Human Dystrophin Structural Changes upon Binding to Anionic Membrane Lipids
Bacterial Amyloids
A high pressure cell using metallic windows to investigate the structure of molecular solutions up to 600 MPa by small-angle neutron scattering
Protein−Polymer Dynamics as Affected by Polymer Coating and Interactions
Dynamics Properties of Photosynthetic Microorganisms Probed by Incoherent Neutron Scattering


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