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Béatrice Guiose
Former post-doc.
B&ecaute;atrice work in the LIONS from 2011 to 2012. she worked on the synthesis and modification of imogolite nanotubes.
She participate to the last JACS publication on SW/DW control in imogolite nanotubes. Another publication is in preparation.

Sarah Fouilloux
Former phD student.
Sarah was in the LIONS from 2008 to 2011. she worked on Pickering emulsion. Her phD can be found here
Emulsions stabilized by solid particles are known and studied since the beginning of the XXth century, to understand the original properties they display. In order to rationalize these systems, we develop a model system based on the use of microfluidic techniques to create droplets and monodisperse silica nanoparticles to stabilize them. The first part of this work deals with the optimization and understanding of the two-phase particle synthesis, in light of Classical Nucleation Theory. These nanoparticles are then used to stabilize oil droplets formed inside a microfluidic chip, which enables the decoupling of various phenomena allowing the formation of an emulsion: surface creation, adsorption of particles, coalescence of drops. Resulting emulsions can be destabilized by addition of a solvent in the continuous phase, resulting either in the formation of non-spherical droplets or in the total separation of the two phases. Finally, we investigate the mechanisms explaining the stabilization and triggered destabilization of drops by nanoparticles.

Perrine Maillet
Former phD
Perrine Maillet (phD) worked on the synthesis of structured porous powders composed of anisotropic nanoparticles via the evaporation driven self assembly (EISA) method. Organisation of the nanoparticles at the interface.
The phD thesis is here (in french).

Debasis Sen
Former Post-doc
Debasis spend two years in the lab has a poct-doc fellow from 2005-2007. He is greatly responsible for the work involving spray drying. He is continuing his research in the division of solid state physics at the bhabha nuclear reasearch center in Mumbay.

Ophélie Zeyons
Former phD
Ophélie Zeyons is a former phD student. Although not officially responsible for her phD, we worked closely from 2006 to 2008.
Physico-chemical and biological interactions between manufactured nanoparticles and environmental bacteria.
Thanks to their particular properties due to their size, the nanomaterials (dimension < 100 nm) are widely used in many industrial applications (daily care products, nanostructured materials…). However, their growing use frightens because of their uncertain impact on humans and environment. This study is dedicated to a deep understanding of the physicochemical and biological interactions between two cellular models from the environment: Synechocystis (cyanobacteria essential for the biosphere) and Escherichia coli (bacteria of mammalian intestines) with cerium oxide nanoparticles (ex: diesel additive). The complexity of the study of nanoparticles requires a different approach (multidisciplinary) from those of toxicity tests of classic compounds. Indeed, we showed that the physicochemical parameters (stability, aggregation, dissolution and surface chemistry) of nanoparticles in the contact medium, strongly influence the toxicity. Furthermore, the physicochemical interactions (flocculation, adsorption, redox mechanisms) are linked to the biological model and especially the presence of exopolysaccharides (for Synechocystis) as natural barrier between the cell wall and the nanoparticles. Moreover, the composition of the nanoparticles dispersion medium (particularly the pH) has a major influence on the toxicity (survival and membrane integrity), whereas for E. coli, the nanoparticles are the main culprits for the mortality (confirmed by metabonomic studies via NMR).

Sylvain Perronneau
Former master student.
Sylvain Perronneau is a former master student. He worked on the synthesis of covalently linked fluorescent silica nanoparticles.
The synthesis route was a modified version of the synthesis route of Ha et al. to use a Yokoi et al. syntheis type. He succedeed in making fluorescent nanoparticles.

Ako Komla
Former post-doc.
Ako Komla worked 9 month in the framework of the ANR project TOCOMO.
He studied the organization of colloidal molecules using in situ USAXS measurement during osmotique compression. He performed a SAXS experiment at the ESRF and a SANS experiment at the ILL in 2010.

Sandrine Lefebvre
Former master student.
Sandrine Lefebvre worked 6 month in the framework of Sarah Fouilloux phD.
She synthesised silica nanoparticles of various size and hydrophobicity to prepare pickering emulsions.